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On www.smocking.org, in the header, click on "About" then "Join SAGA." Here you will find descriptions of the several membership options. From this page, you can join online (via a secure PayPal link) or join by mail (printing the form and mailing with a check).
On www.smocking.org, click on the MEMBERS box on the upper left of the screen. Enter your SAGA ID or username. There's a link to help if you have forgotten your ID or Password. Then click on LOGIN. You will see the choices for renewal. (Note: after the convention, when you login you will see a reminder that it is time to renew!)
From this page, you can renew online via a secure PayPal link, or by printing the form and mailing with a check. Note that checks take up to 6 weeks to clear and be processed.
Alternately, you can pay by credit card with a phone call to the registrar who is available M-F, 10-5 Eastern time. Call 1-817-350-4883, ext.1.
Your check is sent to a P.O. Box and manually picked up by a SAGA member. These are then mailed to our treasurer. Depending upon the USPS, this process can take up to 6 weeks for the checks to be deposited and processed.
Below the login boxes, click on the blue "Forgot Your Login ID or Password" then enter your email to retrieve your login info.
After login, you will see your member page. Under "My SAGA Profile" click on "View/Update My Profile" to access the area where changes can be submitted.
After login, in the header click on "Chapters." You have a choice of Find Your Chapter, Chapters by Region, and Starting a Chapter. Choose Find Your Chapter to search by State.
After login, you will see your member page. You will see an "Events" area to the right. Once registration is open for any scheduled event, there will be a link to register, and links to view the events for which you have already registered.
For more information on an event, click on "About" in the header, then "News and Events" then "National Events" or "Chapter Events." Click on Get Details to access the event information or downloadable flyer or brochure.
On www.smocking.org, click on "About", then "News and Events." Under "SAGANews," click on "Get Details." Here you will see options of a general index of past issues and a Wee Care specific index.
On www.smocking.org, click on "SAGA Wee Care" where all of the available patterns are listed. You must be logged in to access the patterns that are only available to members.