Correspondence Courses
Points: 10
Area: SMK
Price: $107
Kit Fee: $0
(COST:Individual $107.00 ($60.00 teacher’s fee,$32.00 text, postage, kit, $15.00 SAGA admin fee).)
Course Preview
This course will provide an opportunity for you to work with some “off the beaten path” fabrics and flosses. In lesson 1 you will pleat and smock Linen with cotton threads and flosses, lesson 2 is Wool and Wool threads. Featherwale corduroy with cotton and nylon flosses are in lesson 3 and lesson 4 uses silk fabric with silk flosses. The final lesson, 5, is your choice of fabric and a hand dyed floss to stitch your design. This course is designed to stretch your imagination and try flosses and fabrics you don’t see used in smocking everyday. The smocking graphs are included in the course for lessons 1 thru 4, in lesson 5 you may use your own design or a published one.
Points: 10
Area: SMK
Price: $110
Kit Fee: $0
(Wonderful informative handout.)
Course Preview
Claire Meldrum's Perfect Picture Smocking will show you how to do your most beautiful picture smocking ever! The course is easy to follow and one you will be thrilled to take. Several of our testers decided to take the full class after testing the material! We never had that happen before so that should give you some idea of the usefulness of this course. You will make small samples of various pictures using a single color, then changing colors during the stitching. Picture Smocking is terrific for all kinds of garments, samplers, ornaments and sewing items such as needlebooks. Claire will provide 5 evaluations to let you know how to improve your stitching. You should have some experience with smocking prior to the class.
Points: 10
Area: SMK
Price: $97
Course Preview
This course explores the use of fabrics and floss colors for dramatic variations of one simple smocking design. You will be challenged to try to discover new combinations and discover how simple it is to customize smocking designs to match your fabric. To take this course you should be proficient in pleating fabric and the execution of three basic smocking stitches, the cable, trellis and wave. For Artisan program participants the lesson samplers and pleating will offer practice for your Smocking Level I submissions.
The course text is included in the text fee while all other materials for the course will be provided by the student. Materials required are five pieces of fabric, floss, pleating thread, needles and additional materials may include pins, needle threader, scissors, pen, pencils and paper. Simple Stitch Effects is a five-lesson course taught for individuals only.