Bibliographies: Smocking
Beginning Smocking
Andrew, Anne. Embroidery, Skills, Smocking, London, Merehurst Press, 1990.
Armes, Alice. English Smocks, Dryad Press, Leicester, England, 1972.
Ballew, Lezette. English Smocking, Children’s Corner, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee, 1981.
Bauer, Margie. Best of Australian Smocking and Embroidery, Country Bumpkin Publications, Norwood, Australia.
Bradford, Jenny. Simply Smocking, New York, New York, Sterling Publishing Company. 1990 (first published in Australia, 1989)
Cave, Oenone. Traditional Smocks and Smocking, Mills & Boon Ltd., London, 1979.
Davies, Helen, editor. Beautiful Bishops, Country Bumpkin Publications, Malvern, Australia 2006.
Davies, Helen, editor. Designer Smocking for Tots and Teens, Country Bumpkin Publishers, Malvern, Australia, 2007.
Douglas, Sarah. The Pleater Manual, Heirloom Collection, Orinda, California, 1993, 1994.
Durand, R. Dianne, “The Art of English Smocking”, Little Miss Muffet, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1978, 1982.
Durand, Dianne R. Smocking Stitches and the Art of English Smocking. Rainbow Hill, 1980’s.
Durand, Dianne R. Smocking, Technique, Projects and Designs, Dover, Publications, New York.
Gardner, Sue, ed. A – Z of Smocking. Chicago: Quilters’ Resource, Inc., 2003.
Hall, Maggie. Smocks, Shire Publications, Ltd., London, 1983, 1993.
Hodges, Jean. Smocking Design, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1988.
Holland, Allyne S. Treasury of Smocking Designs, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1985.
Hodges, Jean and Oenone Caves. Smocking: Traditional and Modern Approaches. London: Batsford, 1984.
Keay, Diana. The Book of Smocking, Arco Publishing, Inc., New York, 1985.
Johnson, Elizabeth Travis. The Complete Book of Sewing for Children. Huntsville: Albright & Co., 1990.
Knott, Grace L. English Smocking, Grace L. Knott Smocking Supplies, Limited, Britannia Publishers, Canada, 1989.
Lohmann, Cheryl. Classic Smocking, Needle Publishing, Inc., Lookout Mountain, Georgia, 1996.
Lomax, Nadine N. and Jane Mc Pherson. The Smocked Bishop Dress, McPherson, Atlanta, Georgia. 1982.
MacDonald, Juliet. Geometric Smocking, Pro-print, Durban, South Africa.
Malitz, Nancy Pattee. Advanced English Smocking. Malitz. Malitz, Nancy Pattee. Beginning English Smocking, Malitz.
Malitz, Nancy Pattee. Smocked Laces and Designs , Malitz. Marshall, Beverley. Smocks and Smocking, Alphabooks, Sherborne Dorset, England, 1980.
McCarn, Ellen. Ellen McCarn on English Smocking, McCarn Enterprises, USA, 1986.
McCarn, Ellen. One Stitch at a Time with Ellen McCarn, McCarn Enterprises, USA, 1988.
McCarn, Ellen. Picture Smocking with Ellen McCarn, McCarn Enterprises, USA, 1990.
O’Connor, Susan, editor. A – Z of Sewing for Smockers, Country Bumpkin Publishers, Kent, Australia, 2004.
O’Connor, Susan, editor. A – Z of Smocking, Country Bumpkin Publications, Kent Town, Australia, 2000.
Pullen, Martha, Ph.D. The Joy of Smocking, Martha Pullen Company, Brownsville, Alabama, 1993.
Rankin, Chris. Creative Smocking, Contemporary Design, Traditional Techniques, Lark Books, New York, 1997.
Sanders, Jennifer. Australian Heritage Needlework: surface Embroidery and Smocking. Victoria: Sandpiper Press, 1993.
Smocking Arts Guild of America. Stitch Anatomy, Associated Litho, Newton, New Jersey, 2000.
Thom, Margaret. Smocking in Embroidery, Drake Publishers Inc. New York, 1972.
Thompson, Laura Jenkins. Lattice Smocking, Charleston, South Carolina, 1998.
Thompson, Laura Jenkins. Perfecting Picture Smocking, Golden Rule Printing, Inc. Hunstville, Alabama, 1994.
Thornton, Chella. Smocking Book, Whitcombe & Gilmour, Montreal, Canada, 1951.
Timmins, Patricia Munoz. Beginning Italian Smocking, Timmins South Africa, 2001.
Timmins, Patricia Munoz. Advanced Italian Smocking, Timmins, South Africa, .
Timmins, Patricia Munoz. Let’s Smock It, Triple T Publishing c.c., South Africa, 1997.
Wolff, Colette Wolff. The Art of Manipulating Fabric, Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 1996.
“Australian Smocking and Embroidery”
County Bumpkin Publications, Malvern, Australia.
“Creative Needle” (no longer published)
Creative Needle, Lookout Mountain, Georgia.
Country Bumpkin Publications, Malvern, Australia.
“Sew Beautiful”
Martha Pullen, Birmingham Alabama.