Artisan Program
The purpose of the artisan program is to recognize excellence in the field of smocking and related needle arts. It provides the participant with a personal challenge to learn and explore the chosen area of study, opportunity for personal achievement and enrichment, and recognition for knowledge gained and demonstrated proficiency.
Areas of Study
The program is divided into four areas of study: smocking, fine hand sewing, fine machine sewing, and embroidery.
Levels of Achievement
Each area of study has three levels of advancement: Apprentice Level I, Artisan Level II, and Master Level III. The levels must be completed consecutively. Each level of the Artisan Program requires the accumulation of points. Participants may accumulate the necessary points by such activities as attending classes of approved organizations, teaching approved courses, research, designing or writing for approved publications, etc. Any points received within the thirty day period prior to enrolling in the Artisan Program may be counted toward the required point total. There is no time limit for completion of any level of the program.
Qualification Process
When the necessary number of points of a particular level have been validated by the Artisan Program Chairman, a required project or projects must be submitted to the Artisan Chairman. If the submitted projects demonstrate above average skill and proficiency in technique, construction, and design, a certificate for the level of completion will be awarded. Level completion is a highly regarded achievement and participants reaching this goal will be recognized at the next SAGA National Convention and in SAGANews.
How to Enroll
Each level within each area of study requires its own enrollment fee.
Level I: Apprentice - - - - US resident - $35 non-US resident - $40(US)
Level II: Artisan - - - - US resident - $75 non-US resident - $85(US)
Level III: Master - - - - US resident - $100 non-US resident - $120(US)
Any member in good standing of SAGA may participate. Any lapse in SAGA membership for more than two years will negate enrollment and progress in the Artisan Program. Former participants may re-enroll in the program at any time by establishing current SAGA membership and paying the required Artisan Program enrollment fee again. The Artisan Handbook, which participants receive with the initial enrollment fee, explains in detail the methods used to accrue, record, and document points. Specifics regarding the required projects and their evaluation are also detailed. Replacement Handbooks are $15.00.
Click here to Enroll Online (you must be a member)
Replacement Pins or Handbooks
Buy Replacement Handbook or Pin
If you have any questions about the Artisan Program, please contact us.