Stitch With Us
The Smocking Arts Guild of America (SAGA) invites you to become a part of our informative and educational international organization for sewing enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels.
SAGA is a non-profit organization that will provide you with exciting new ideas, expert instruction and a way of staying in touch with others in the world of smocking, heirloom sewing and the related needle arts. You will have an opportunity to attend Conventions, participate in Educational Programs and Courses, such as Artisan, Smock Alongs, and SAGA Stitches while learning effective tips & techniques to improve your skills.
You will also receive SAGANews, our quarterly magazine filled with designs, information, creative ideas, convention information, chapter news, and chapter activities with articles and projects designed to help you learn new smocking techniques or enhance your old ones.
Areas of Interest
History of SAGA
"To establish high standards of quality workmanship and to further the appreciation of smocking art and other associated handiwork through education and communication."
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